Sunday, 13 October 2013

Wow, it has been so long since I have written a blog, and so much has happened! Here I sit, with a weird, healthy pie baking in the oven, and I'm reminded of last year, when I baked a lot of weird food and wrote a lot of weird blogs on a regular-ish basis. Only now I'm sitting in a dorm common kitchen, at bible college, in Saskatchewan. Happy Thanksgiving!

I have so much to be thankful for. Rewind to this summer. I had an amazing summer! I finally quit working at Sobeys and had a super sweet job as an intern at my church. It was tons of fun, lots of work, exhausting, stretching, and encouraging. Over the past year I have known that the Lord is directing me into some sort of full-time ministry, but I'm not exactly sure what. My experience working at the church over the summer helped clarify a few of my strengths and weaknesses, likes and dislikes. I also had some wonderful opportunities to use and practice some of the gifts God has given me.

 At the beginning of August I had a conversation with my pastor about my future. I expressed my frustration and confusion about not knowing where to go or what to do. He encouraged me to return to school, to get a degree in something practical. When I told him all I wanted to do was be in ministry, he recommended two bible colleges, I picked one, went through the application process, was accepted, and here I am at Briercrest! The way the funds have come in has been absolutely miraculous. I am so thankful and so blessed.

I am absolutely loving it here. I still don't have a clear sense of call. I still don't know what I'm going to do when I graduate or even next year. I am learning how to trust in big and small ways. I'm in the Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies program right now, I may take on a Music or Worship Arts minor, we shall see. I'm on a worship team and am going to start doing some children's ministry stuff soon. I have my own room in an all girls dorm. They feed me gluten-free and dairy free in the caf which is wonderful, but I definitely miss doing my own cooking! I miss home sometimes, especially my nieces (so sad to think of them growing up without me!) but I know this is where God wants me.

Did I mention I got my braces off? YAY! Do I look 22 yet? Nope haha but that's ok.

it's flat here, and the sun.

My Greek textbook describes my Greek pursuits so accurately, as well as the rest of my life.

Just how the Greek letter "iota"looks in my mind.
 (pronounced "Yo-ta" or if you don't care about diction "Yo-da") 

 It was cold and rain one day and I couldn't handle it. So I ordered these boots. Now I'm set.

"Everything here is green or beige."
"Everything here is green or golden."
It's all about perspective.
But mostly it's beige.

Feel so sorry for those married students. You're gettin' flyers whether you want them or not!

Not quite the trails in my backyard at home, but this little walk brightened my day.