Today is your birthday. Cards are stupid. (and are like $6 a piece!) I made this instead.
I am thankful for the little black book
sitting on that park bench.
I am thankful that you read it.
I am thankful that it changed your life from the inside out.
I am thankful that you didn’t keep it to yourself, but shared it with your family.
I am thankful that it changed your life from the inside out.
I am thankful that you didn’t keep it to yourself, but shared it with your family.
I am thankful for growing up in a home
with two parents seeking the Lord.
I am thankful that I was taught, encouraged,
and disciplined in His way.
I am thankful for you telling me I’m
I am thankful that I have never had to
seek the attention of men to fill a void left by you.
I am thankful that you have supported me
I am thankful for every single time you
have apologized.
I am thankful for your reproaches.
I am thankful that I haven’t had the
battle of reconciling my view of God the Father with a twisted view of an early
You are not perfect. You have failed me.
You will fail me. I am thankful that every good thing that is in you has come
from the Father of Lights, who works in you to will and to do for His good
I will not give you accolades or flatter
you, but I must tell you that I am so very thankful that God chose you and
entrusted you with my care here on this earth.