Friday, 13 January 2012

outside the snow is falling...

Snow day!!! Except not the kind where you get to sleep in. The kind where you do a dance and vocal warm-up at 8am only to find out your classes are cancelled. ah well.

I've been rather negligent in the blog department, waiting for inspiration to hit. I think I had better learn to write even when I'm not feeling very inspired. Hmm... motto for life?

I haven't really written much about myself in this blog yet, so I guess I'll do just that.

I'm a musical theatre student. That's one of the biggest things in my life right now. It's quite the thing to go to "school" for. It's more like  having a 5-day-a-week rehearsal, or living at a dance studio, or being on Glee. My life is a musical. My days are filled with dance classes (ballet, tap, and jazz), vocal tutorials, acting classes, vocal masterclasses, rehearsals for our upcoming production, music theatre history, and anatomy, which is basically learning how to help our bodies survive our hectic lifestyles.

I love school. Two of my main focuses this year have been ballet (I'm kind of obsessed, it's so pretty!) and working on my belt (aka, singing with chest voice, for anyone reading this [it is entirely possible that no one will read this] who doesn't know what that means, it's basically singing really loud and strong). I've been working really hard in ballet, going to extra classes and practising on my own. I feel like I improved a lot last semester. I can now do a fairly solid double pirouette and usually a triple! My improvement is definitely based on what we are learning about core strength and engaging the right muscles. Singing came a little more naturally. It was mostly about learning how to use what I already had. I still have sooo far to go in everything but I'm feeling encouraged about my progress and so supported by my teachers and peers.

I feel that I am really in the right place right now, but I'm trying to be open to wherever God might lead me. I am really passionate about writing, specifically creating new works for theatre. I hope that one day I will be creating musicals and hopefully performing in them as well.

The theatre world is obviously very secular. In some opinions, it may not be the best place for an NCG (Nice Christian Girl), but I am a firm believer that Christians need to infiltrate the entertainment world, not just stand alone creating works solely for the enjoyment of other Christians. GAH that bothers me so much. Plus they almost always suck. Sometimes it is almost offensive. Are they perhaps making fun of our intelligence levels?

I think that Christians have a responsibility to use our gifts and talents to honour God and to spread the Gospel. I love what C.S. Lewis has to say about this. (He is referring specifically to the public's expectation that the clergy be moral leaders in all areas of society.)

"The application of Christian principles, say, to trade unionism or education, must come from Christian trade unionists and Christian schoolmasters: just as Christian literature comes from Christian novelists and dramatists- not from the bench of bishops getting together and trying to write plays and novels in their spare time."

I don't particularly want to be a Christian dramatist, though I suppose I probably will receive that label. I want to create entertainment that is for everyone, but that challenges people to think deeper, to feel more, and maybe reach out.